Maya Angelou Quotes
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“I answer the heroic question, ‘Death, where is thy sting?’ with ‘It is in my heart and mind and memories.”
― Maya Angelou
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“Graduation, the hush-hush magic time of frills and gifts and congratulations and diplomas, was finished for me before my name was called. The accomplishment was nothing. The meticulous maps, drawn in three colors of ink, learning and spelling decasyllabic words, memorizing the whole of The Rape of Lucrece – it was for nothing. Donleavy had exposed us. We were maids and farmers, handymen and washerwomen, and anything higher that we aspired to was farcical and presumptuous.”
― Maya Angelou,
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
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“What sets one Southern town apart from another, or from a Northern town or hamlet, or city high-rise? The answer must be the experience shared between the unknowing majority (it) and the knowing minority (you). All of childhood’s unanswered questions must finally be passed back to the town and answered there. Heroes and bogey men, values and dislikes, are first encountered and labeled in that early environment. In later years they change faces, places and maybe races, tactics, intensities and goals, but beneath those penetrable masks they wear forever the stocking-capped faces of childhood.”
― Maya Angelou,
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
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“I answer the heroic question, ‘Death, where is thy sting?’ with ‘It is in my heart and mind and memories.”
― Maya Angelou
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